Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Marathon Man

This is a little belated, but given how I didn't start this blog until December, I need to go back a bit, but this is funny enough to insert here. Peep this photo of me finishing the Indianapolis 500 festival mini-marathon:
That's me in black with the wristband. I was pretty excited about my finish time. I even bragged to friends. But all that was tempered when I got this photo back. Why?
A: The ridiculously unathletic-looking woman in the visor leisurely strolling through the finish.
B: The ancient dying Chinese man in the lower left hand corner being carried off by EMTs.
They both finished ahead of me? Mr. Myagi and Aunt Phyllis were faster than me, who had been training since January and had his best time ever?
The photo doesn't lie. I'm no hare, but Aesop himself couldn't have made this humbling point any clearer.