Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Five O'Clock Shadow

Thanks to my father, I can grow fully-developed facial hair virtually overnight.
So every once in a while, I decide to mix up my look and leave the Gillette Mach III on the shelf. However, because of genetics, a bit of stubble left unchecked turns me into cro-magnon man by morning.
Dad looks about like this:

So when I go to bed looking like this:

I wake up like this:Now everyone asks me: "So, growing a beard, eh?" As if it takes any effort. If the razor doesn't make any appearance for a day or two, I turn into Grizzly Adams.

It's a blessing and a curse. My wife runs and hides from me. But so do street toughs, so I'm safe walking around downtown.
Thanks dad.


Alice said...

Do the right thing.