What was once a Flagstar Bank is now the offical state volunteer headquarters of the 2008 Obama for President Campaign.
Apparently it's a big deal. Celebrities are showing up. Actor Jeremy Piven is in the lobby registering voters. It's reassuring to know that Ari Gold has the Audacity of Hope.
I work in (and for) a state that historically has been an also-ran in the primary election scene. But due to the fact that both Democratic candidates pander to the exact same issues and have the same take on virtually everything and are indistinguishable in every possible way policy-wise, this one's going down to the wire.
Now this state matters after years of being the doormat of national politics.
And it's totally annoying.
I'm not into the political scene. I describe my leanings as apathetic at best. I've never voted because, well, I don't know enough about candidates from year to year to make an educated decision. I know, I know. I'm taking for granted my fellow countrymen who laid down their lives so that I could have the freedom to...blah, blah, blah. Whatever.
But it would be kinda okay to have Barack as an office mate or even a boss. Judging by his YouTube viral marketing campaign song based on his New Hampshire primary speech, he's terribly agreeable about everything. You know the one with the lead singer from the hip-hop band that sings a song called "My Humps"?

It would be like this:
"Hey Barack, should we go to Starbucks for some coffee?"
"Yes we can."
"Dude, wanna take a smoke break?"
"Yes we can."
"Mr. Obama, is it okay if the whole office leaves a little early today to make it to happy hour?"
"Yes we can."
"The men's bathroom on the third floor needs some air fresheners. Badly. Can we order some from building maintenance?"
"Yes we can."
"Do you want to take our lunch in the 8th floor break room where all the creepy IT guys sit around playing Magic: The Gathering?"
"Yes we can."
"Or would you rather go to Penn Station?"
"No. I don't like Penn Station."
"Yes we can."
"Dude, wanna take a smoke break?"
"Yes we can."
"Mr. Obama, is it okay if the whole office leaves a little early today to make it to happy hour?"
"Yes we can."
"The men's bathroom on the third floor needs some air fresheners. Badly. Can we order some from building maintenance?"
"Yes we can."
"Do you want to take our lunch in the 8th floor break room where all the creepy IT guys sit around playing Magic: The Gathering?"
"Yes we can."
"Or would you rather go to Penn Station?"
"No. I don't like Penn Station."
I guess everyone has their limits.
What do you mean you've never voted? For Pete's sake, you were raised better than that. Get registered. NOW.
Jeremy Piven, you don't need to post comments under the guise of my mother in order to guilt me into registering to vote. Next thing you know you'll try to get me to register for Selective Service or something ridiculous like that.
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