Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Party Update

Day Two of the weeklong party has arrived (see yesterday's post) and, since you ignored the invitation, you may be wondering how it is progressing. Well, I have two words for you friend: a.) AWESOME! and; b.) AWESOME!
So what elevated the evening to the level of such palpable awesomeness?
Subway sandwiches, of course. And strippers.*
Every party is defined by the quality of its guests and so it is in this case as well. It was just me. Which is just the way I like it. Two's a crowd; an entire party full of people spilling Jägermeister on the berber is an anxiety attack waiting to happening. So I can cope with the crushing weight of my own existential loneliness. After all, I've been through this before; no one came to my 12th birthday party.**
So I partied by eating sandwiches. I did not order an entire party sub. That would be putting the cart before the horse. I wasn't sure if anyone would show up and I can't eat an entire party sub in one sitting***.
But I can eat a six-inch cold cut combo in one sitting. And that's exactly what I did. By myself.
Best. Party. Ever.
Just me, a bag of Snyder's of Hanover, and a submarine sandwich. Watching Prison Break on Tivo. Folding laundry.

* Not true.
** True.
*** I actually can, in fact, eat an entire party sub in one sitting.