Tuesday, March 3, 2009

My February

Hey folks. Good to be back.
If you look around the Web, normally when bloggers are away for some time and they return to writing they say something like "I was sooooo busy. My life is so very exciting that I couldn't find time to blog".
The opposite is true for me. Last month was so very soul-crushingly boring that I honestly couldn't think of anything to write about. At least nothing that could sustain an entire blog post. I tried. Everytime I started an essay, I would get about two paragraphs in and fall asleep. It gets so very tiring writing about myself. Even I get sick of me. And I know you do too.

So here is a recap of my month of February:

1. My sister scored me sixth-row, corporate suite tickets to an Indiana Pacers basketball game. The Indiana Pacers are my favorite sports team in the world. They've been pretty down the last few years, and even though I'm the only Pacer fan left anywhere, I've been an ardent supporter. I got Larry Bird's autograph and met Sam 'Big Smooth' Perkins. This was the ultimate highlight of my sports fandom. I take back all the things I've ever said about my sister (not really).

2. I took Friday the 13th off. Not because of superstition, but because if I had gone into work that day, I would have committed some kind of mass murder. Work's been rough. And I hate complaining about work all the time, so I chose to sleep in. Then for breakfast I went to my local diner where I got scrambled eggs, grits, pancakes and massive diarrhea. Then I installed a ceiling fan and did some concrete work. Which were not easy tasks given the crippling diarrhea issues.

3. I went with a friend to an Indiana Hoosiers basketball game. They are my second favorite sports team in the world. They are down this year as well so the game on the court wasn't much to look at, but Bloomington always has some lovely co-eds in the stands, so it was totally worth the trip.

4. I celebrated the four-year anniversary of the time I got mugged in Detroit. I haven't really been in any life-threatening situations since, so that's saying something for a dude like me who's pretty much oblivious to his surroundings. For example, this month I will celebrate the six-year anniversary of the time I accidentally bought crack at gunpoint in Baltimore.

These were the only four things I did during the month of February. The other twenty-four days were spent in a semi-conscious malaise. Good thing it wasn't a leap year.
But this month has started off considerably better.
At least compared to last March that is.