Monday, December 31, 2007

It's the End of the Year as We Know It...

2007 was a tough year.
It began with a job change, and ended with a another potential job change thwarted. In between saw two trips to the hospital for myself, two trips for my grandmother, and the passing of my grandfather.
But it was still a good year. I can't complain. I ran races and won cases. I came this close to fulfilling my dream of becoming an FBI agent, however, I still enjoy the job I have. I more or less kept my resolution of purging fast food from my diet (less than one trip a month to the drive-thru), and I ran my fastest marathon time yet. My 28th year is concluding in a generally healthier and happier way than the prior 27 have.
What I'm saying is this...despite the setbacks, the frustrations and the occasionally heartache, I still have my friends, my family and my striking good looks ;-/
I sincerely hope you and yours have a joyous new year. Here's to 2008 being the best one yet...


Alice said...

Of course this will be a great year -- you get to work with ME! And now, I have a blog you get read too. Isn't life grand?