I went to lunch yesterday with an old friend I hadn't seen in quite awhile. He worked at the college I attended and it was good to catch up. He naturally asked what I had been doing for the past six years. I told him that when I graduated I followed my wife (then fiancee) up to Detroit, Michigan to attend law school. It got me thinking of those first few months on my own living in that crumbling ghost town of a metropolis. Much like I do now, I kept a journal of those experiences. I stumbled across that journal recently and thought that they might make a good addition to the
Tortfeezor. I have to type most of them over, so it may take a while to get them all out there. And since nothing really is happening in the present (other than having my identity stolen by an online bankrobber), I thought I'd take a peek into the past. All entries will be tagged with 'Detroit' to avoid any confusion with the new stuff. I trust my readership (all four of you) can follow along.
More to come shortly. Stay tuned...
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