Friday, November 21, 2008

Witness this Sickness

Out of nowhere, the nausea struck halfway through my case-in-chief.
I had to ask the judge for a recess so I could run to the bathroom and lose my strawberry toaster pastry and Coke Zero.
Rallying quickly and holding the rest down for the next thirty minutes, I triumphantly finished the trial, cross-examined a witness and made a closing statement. By the time I had packed up and was ready to go, I found myself dry heaving into a trash can.
I was five hours away in some far-flung Amish county where I had to stop every 20 minutes to ralph on the side of the road. I left a little bit of myself at nearly every 30th mile marker on Highway 31. I blacked out for 45 minutes in an Episcopalian church parking lot and another half hour at a full-service Clark station. By the time I made it home I was hallucinating and had nothing in my stomach but bile, and trace amounts of Pepto Bismo and ginger ale.
This happened Wednesday. They call it a 24-hour flu, but the effects are still lingering. I'm back at work today, but I look like death warmed over. Puffy eyes, blotchy cheeks, dried vomit on my sportcoat. I'm a walking zombie, but I'm here. I just successfully negotiated my way through a relatively important meeting and can't remember a word of what I said, but apparently I gave sage legal advice.
Or not. Whatever.
I hope to be back at full strength by the beginning of the week, when I'll have more time and energy to blog about a new gadget that I bought that will no doubt change my life. See this previous post for a similar device.
Have a good weekend folks. Stay healthy.


Anonymous said...

Note to self, poptarts and pop don't make for a healthy breakfast.